SeemyGF review
In see my gf is where you can find real porn content that is submitted by various people. Here there are no photos-shopped pictures or fake photos and plastic surgery boobs everything here is natural. This site started collecting porn content that was made in home in 2001 so it has accumulated a massive content. Once you join this site you will get access to over 4,000 videos and over 5,000 photos. This is more content than you can handle. The videos are mostly submitted by college girls who do all kind of staffs in front of the camera. See my gf is one of the greatest sites with real porn content.
SeemyGF Technology
See my gf is one site that has tried to embrace the high end technology in the adult industry but you will as well find out that most of its videos are not in high definition. Most of the videos are home made so their quality is not up to the task. All in all there are a few videos that you will find that are of high quality and they come in high definition. You can as well stream the videos online using the flash format though some of them come in below average play backs. The videos are downloadable and you can download them in various formats such as mp4. Another setback in this site is that some of the videos are too short that you will not have a good view of what is happening.
The photos in this site are no different from the videos. They are of various qualities, when others are of low quality you can get some off high quality. There are amazing galleries with a lot of photos. Here you will get over 6,500gallaries with 20 pictures each. You can download the galleries in zip files.
See my gf may not have the best interface but navigation through the content is easy. The layout in the member’s site is not disappointing it is easy to get the content you need. Once you log in at the right corner you will get the upload content button this will get you to the site of your choice. This site may luck advanced searching tools but you can access the content using their dates. All the content here is dated so trucking the newly updated content is very easy.
SeemyGF sites
See my gf has got about 55 sites which have helped collect such amount of porn content. The sites cover a wide range of niches so you will not miss the content that suits you. When you join into this site you will come across sites such as gf melons, oral girlfriends, watch my gf among others. The sites update their videos daily so you will have something new to watch.
SeemyGF’s girls
The girls in this site are amazing you will be introduced to the pretty girls that are mostly 18-23 years old. There are over 1000 girls who are involved in over 5000 videos.
SeemyGF’s Prices
You can access this site by a two day limited trial at $2.95, there is a monthly price at $27.95 and a three months price at $59.97.
Though its quality is a medium quality it has got real porn which is submitted by people who shoot them at home. The interface is easy to navigate though it has got a lot of advertisement that tend to be annoying. Somme of the videos are streamed in low quality play backs but can be downloaded in various formats such as mpeg and mp4. Most of the pictures are not of high quality but you can download them in zip files. This porn network has got over 50 sites that keep updating new videos and photos daily so you will always have something fresh to check out. The porn content in this site to cover a wide niche so you will have to choose the one that suits you most. See my gf is an average site but it is too expensive with poor trial terms where you are allowed to view photos only.